I don’t think I’ve ever been to a pumpkin patch and this year I have been looking forward to picking my own pumpkins since the first signs of autumn. Today we were supposed to go to the pumpkin patch but we woke up at noon and that just threw everything off. I totally overreacted and canceled the trip, but the circumstances weren’t lining up how I wanted them so I thought it would be better if we didn’t go.
Instead of hitting up the pumpkin patch, we ran some errands in town and then picked up five pumpkins from Waitrose to make me feel a little bit better. I guess it worked because I feel significantly less grumpy! We spent the day watching the new season of Black Mirror and hanging around at home. Tomorrow we’ve got a full day of cleaning in preparation for our various house guests over the next week. It’ll be nice to tackle some of the more neglected areas of the flat but I would be lying if I said I was excited to spend my Sunday with a pair of rubber gloves and a scrub brush in hand.
Right, I’m going to save myself the trouble and end this journal entry where it is. VEDO #21 is up and it’s all about stress, and I’d highly recommend watching it if you’re interested in hearing more about how stressed I am, hah! See you tomorrow.