I hope you’ve carved several pumpkins and filled numerous bowls with candy for all of the trick or treaters that are coming your way, because it’s finally Halloween!! I feel like I’ve been waiting for Halloween all year long and now that it’s here I’m beside myself with joy. I will admit that today has been a fairly ordinary day, although we’ve made sure to queue up plenty of Halloween movies for an evening of wine and spirits in celebration. Having a Halloween party over the weekend was so much fun but I do still feel like I’m recovering from the social-drain that often occurs with those types of gatherings, haha. Also we just got our very first trick or treaters!!! Last year we didn’t get any but I think having all of those pumpkins lit up outside the building helped let them know we’ve got at least a little bit of candy haha! Saying that, I kind of hope we don’t get any more because our candy bowl is very low at the moment.
In other news, I’m very aware that NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow so I just wanted to remind you all that my journal entries will be much smaller over the coming month. Speaking of which, I’m really excited and nervous to write another novel! The novel I wrote last year was so fun that I think I’m going to continue the storyline and flesh out the characters a bit more. It’ll be interesting to see how I get on with my characters this time around, but it’ll be so fun to do some more writing.
On Thursday we’re heading down to Brighton for our writer’s retreat (that’s what we’re calling our mini-vacation) and I think we’re pretty set on going to the pier and riding the rides, but other than that I don’t think we have anything planned at all. We’re both looking forward to chilling out and exploring a new city, so hopefully we return feeling relaxed and refreshed. I’ve just got to make sure I get ahead of my wordcount before we go, otherwise I might not feel so relaxed, haha!
Anyway, have a fantastic Halloween and I’ll see you tomorrow!