We’re having guests stay with us at various different times this week, which also means we have a lot of cleaning to do before they arrive. Tomorrow our friend Mary is staying with us for her last night in England before she flies back to America, and I’m really looking forward to hearing about her trip around Europe before she goes back. I’m really going to miss her being around so much! Then, this weekend, we’re having our Haunted House Party and our friends Jude and Ashley are coming down from Manchester to stay with us. So basically today has been all about cleaning the flat and getting ready for the coming week.
Most of the stuff we had to take care of on our cleaning list didn’t actually get done (the bedroom is still an atrocity) but we made sure to tackle the difficult bits first. The bathroom and the kitchen both needed a deep clean and now that they’ve been scrubbed from top to bottom I feel a little better about having guests over. The major things left on the list are pretty much just tidying up the living room and doing laundry, so it’s not much to worry about at all.
Tomorrow I’ve got a busy morning of editing my most recent video and then heading to the gym a bit earlier than usual to make sure I’m home when Mary arrives. It’s going to be a bit tight, but it’ll be really nice to not have to worry about getting all of this stuff done when I’m hanging out with my friend, you know?
Anyway, I better wrap this up so I can get ready for bed and wake up early tomorrow. Make sure to check out VEDO #22 below and I’ll see you tomorrow!