Last night we went to sleep so early that we woke up around six this morning. Isn’t that bonkers?! I’m definitely not a morning person but maybe if I went to sleep at 10:30pm every night I would be. We spent the morning chilling downstairs playing video games and then around noon we decided to hit the shops and do a little bit of thrifting/window shopping.
Right now I’m kind of itching to make stuff and I came up with a fun idea for our halloween garden design. I’ve decided I want to make some big mushrooms that match the red and white ones I have out there already. I think it would be a really cute and sweet decoration that isn’t too scary for the little kids that we have in the neighbourhood. Anyway, we stopped at Poundland and bought some big plastic bowls that I’ll transform into mushroom caps, as well as a few cheap umbrellas that I’m hoping to turn into jumbo mushrooms! I’m thinking that the stems of the mushrooms will be made using a downpipe or something similar but we’ll see.
Afterwards we hit up the charity shops and I scored a sweet little cat tea pot for a pound. I have ceramic paints already so I thought it would be the perfect blank canvas for me to work on!! As soon as we got home I started transforming the little cat but ceramic paints are a bit tricky to work with so I think this’ll be a multiple day project. Still, I’m excited and can’t wait to see it when it’s all done!