Yesterday I was browsing on FB Marketplace and I came across someone getting rid of a plant stand for free so we drove over and collected it in the afternoon. Turns out it’s a discontinued IKEA SOCKER plant stand! Alex spent some time today treating the rusty spots but we’ve got a decent amount of work left to do before we can use it. We’re going to turn it into a wall mounted plant rack but first we need to take it apart and clean it, then spray paint the whole thing before eventually mounting it to a sheet of plywood or MDF and attaching that to the wall. It’s going to look really great when it’s done! We’ve decided it’ll look nice in the living room behind the white swivel chair because it’ll get a good amount of light from the living room window. I’ll try to document the process when as we work through it.
In other news, I’m still working on getting a handle on my mental health at the moment. My depression and anxiety have been harder to manage this past week, probably because of the added troublemaker that is hormones. Thankfully, I’m not feeling so low that I can’t get out of bed, but rather I find my thoughts are much louder and disruptive. There’s a lot of negative self-talk and pessimistic rhetoric.
Anyway, that’s really all I have for today. This upcoming week is probably going to be just as difficult but hopefully I can manage the stress in a healthy way. See you tomorrow.