Tonight I started carving the foam to make the mushroom top and although I think I did an okay job of smoothing the shape it was pretty clear that I needed to fill a bunch of gaps. I grabbed my hot glue gun and tried sticking some of the carved bits in to fill up the gaps but ultimately I just decided to add another layer of spray foam to the whole thing. Alex smoothed the foam with a bit of plastic while I sprayed the foam on so hopefully enough of the gaps will be filled so I can shave it down to an even surface.
Oh and I used a bread knife to carve the foam and it worked so well! I’m really glad I have a bread knife in my crafting tool kit. So tomorrow I’ll work on carving the foam again and we’ll see how it goes for round two. I was also thinking I could cover the foam with a layer of plaster or something similar just to get the surface even smoother. Maybe decorator’s caulk would work? We’ll see!
I’m glad I didn’t go ahead and cover all of the other bowls with foam without trying to carve this first one. Definitely learning a lot with this craft!