Alex went in to London for work today so I was pretty much left to my own devices at home. I thought it was going pretty well! I remembered to drink water, I played Cities: Skylines, and I didn’t feel like I was overheating at all. Then around five o’clock I got the urge to do some dancing and that was my big mistake. I was sweating bullets and suddenly realised my blood sugar was low when I got dizzy. After that it was pretty much a blur trying to cool down and put enough fuel in my tank so I could get to dance practice. Oops!
Dance practice was really great. I was in a good mood despite the scorching heat and we went over the routine and gave each other constructive criticism but it was really cool to sit down and watch as the other half of the group did the whole routine! It gassed me up, for sure. We all tried on our outfits for Pride and then did two run throughs and by the end I was seeing spots. The room we hired to practice in has no windows so the air gets super hot and thick pretty much straight away. It’s kind of like being in a sauna.
After practice, Alex drove me home and I worked on cooling my body temperature with ice lollies, a room temp shower, and some ice cold soda cans. I feel like I’ve got a little bit of my consciousness back but it’s been a really good Friday!