We went over to Alex’s parents’ house for dinner tonight and while we were sitting out on the patio we saw a hummingbird moth! I didn’t know what it was at first because I’d never seen such a large moth that looked and acted like a hummingbird. The moth was enjoying drinking from all of the pink flowers so we were able to get a good look at it during dinner. Pretty cool stuff!
It was nice to go over and see the in-laws, even if I ended up feeling pessimistic about my work. Basically we just got onto the topic of how I can grow my business and the thought of having to do so much is really daunting and made me feel bummed out. I just feel like I’m not cut out for being in sales.
Anyway, we’re home now and I’m kind of in my head about business stuff. I have a ~weigh in~ tomorrow and that’s not helping haha. At least it’s not early in the morning this time. Right, that’s all I have for today. Enjoy the pictures of the hummingbird moth!