We heard back from the vet and it’s good news for Ichabod! His blood test came back totally normal, no issues with his thyroid, glucose levels, or kidneys. Phew. We’ve got him booked in to see the vet again in four weeks to see if his weight declines or stays consistent, but it seems like he’s okay. I had a thought after we talked to the vet that maybe the senior wet and dry food we’ve put him on have fewer calories than what he was eating before, and maybe that’s contributed to his weight loss over the last however many months. We’re going to give him some non-senior wet food and see if that helps at all. Fingers crossed we can get our boy to gain a little weight!
I didn’t get around to doing more crafting on the mushrooms today, but that’s alright. I spent my time playing video games instead, and I think that’s been somewhat helpful to keep my mind occupied in the run up to my dance team’s performance this weekend. I guess I’m just trying not to overthink the performance too much!
Last night we watched The Black Phone (2022) and it was one of the better horror movies we’ve seen this year! It’s set in the seventies and I really liked the way the story was told as well as the characters. Alex thought it would be super scary but I was right in my guess that it wouldn’t be too scary and he ended up really liking it. The thing that really sold me on the movie overall was the storytelling. I’d recommend it for anyone that wants a little bit of a spook.
Right, that’s really all that I have to report for today! See you tomorrow!