I went to the studio today and was bummed to see that the batch of Spiced Pumpkin candles didn’t set properly. All of them had issues with frosting on the top, so clearly pouring the wax in stages wasn’t enough to prevent the frosting. I also think that the double boiler method kind of screwed me over, too. It’s a bummer because I was so excited but now I have all of these candles that just don’t look pretty. I was able to heat gun the surfaces so they’re salvaged but I’m still unhappy with them. I think my next step is to make a batch using my large wax melter and see if the frosting issue still persists. It’s so difficult to tell whether it’s just the humidity or if the wax got overheated while it was melting down, so hopefully using the large wax melter remedies at least one of those issues.
Speaking of humidity, I’m still experiencing around 67-70% humidity in my studio!! It doesn’t help that it’s rained every night the last few days, but I don’t really know what more I can do. The temperature in the studio is 20C so it’s not even cool enough to turn on the radiator, either. It’s so annoying having to deal with this. I wish I could find another studio with better insulation and also a bit more space.
Anyway, I was able to bring home the candles I poured in my jesmonite pots and I’ve been burning one of them all day. So far it’s been great! I haven’t had any issues with smoking or tunneling so my usual wick seems to be doing the job. I’m curious to see how the smaller wicks perform and whether or not the candle lasts a bit longer! Another thing I’m trying to test is whether or not the pot gets stained by the dye and oil in the wax but I’ll have to wait until I’m finished burning this candle before I can try cleaning the pot.
In other news: Alex finished making his sunflower mask!! It’s insane how good it looks, too! Now we just need to crack on with the mushroom decorations and we’ll be ready to go.