I got my third COVID vaccination today as well as a flu shot and it went pretty well apart from when the nurse was trying to figure out why I, a 31 year old seemingly healthy woman, was invited to get another vaccination. It turns out my gp has diagnosed me as clinically obese! BMIs have never been kind to me, so it’s not surprising anymore. The nurse seemed really cautious to label me as obese and I suppose that must be because I’m not the typical image of obesity or something. Either way, I was able to get my vaccination and flu shot.
Afterwards we went to the shops to pick up some cat food and kombucha, and just as we were leaving I started to feel woozy so it’s a good thing we were headed home anyway. I ended up laying on the sofa and having a nap for a bit until Jimin (from BTS, obvi) started livestreaming for his birthday! I watched for a little bit and then fell back asleep.
My finger is still quite painful. Any movement of my pointer finger hurts and I can tell there’s a bruise on the knuckle as well as near the base of my thumb. It’s frustrating because I still don’t know how I’ve managed to hurt myself but also I can’t really do much! All day I’ve had my hand/wrist wrapped up in a brace and that’s been great for stopping me from using my dominant hand in most cases. Even writing this journal entry I’m trying to use my left hand and my right hand’s middle, ring, and pinky fingers to type. Sucks.
Right, that’s pretty much it for today. See you tomorrow!