It’s been a fairly uneventful day for me, I’m sorry to say! I had a rough night of sleep where I kept turning to sleep on either of my sides and was painfully reminded that’s where I had my vaccination and flu shots. And then, when I got up and had a shower this morning I really struggled to wash my hair and my body without using my right hand. On the bright side, I think my sprain is a little less inflamed so fingers crossed I’ll be able to use my dominant hand again soon!
Tomorrow we have the plumber coming around to install the radiator so I’m excited (but nervous to have someone in the house) to get that done. It’s going to be nice having a new radiator to look at instead of that old one. Speaking of home projects, Alex and I were talking about how we might want to improve the dining room so that the space is more useful for us because it’s pretty much always full of laundry and random junk. Maybe we’ll get rid of our current dining table and have a smaller desk that Alex can work at, and then perhaps we’ll find a table with removable legs for the times when we do need a dining table. We also talked about the movie room/guest room and I came up with the idea of building a bracket ( like [ bracket) shaped riser for the stacked twin beds so that we can slide the treadmill underneath when it’s not in use. It seems pretty easy to execute so maybe we’ll take that on in a month or two when we have the money.
In other news, tonight we finished watching The Midnight Club on Netflix. Although I enjoyed it I’m a little annoyed that it wasn’t a limited series because there are a lot of loose ends I was hoping to have wrapped up. I guess I’ll just add that one to the list of shows of which I’m eagerly awaiting a second season.