One of the first things I read this morning was an email from my landlord at the studio apologising because he had made a mistake and letting me know I actually need to vacate the studio by December 31st rather than January 31st. If I’d gotten than email maybe a week or two ago I think I’d be in shambles, but luckily my distress was momentary. This weekend Alex and I will go over and start packing things up so we can get a jump on the move. We’ve got some walls to patch and paint as well as doing a very thorough deep clean before we hand the keys back next month and it would be excellent if I could get my £800 deposit back. Fingers crossed, eh?
So aside from that, today’s been pretty good. A pair of cute Lazy Oaf bike shorts I bought on sale were delivered and I actually did a load of laundry when Alex asked for help. Since I manned the helm in the kitchen/house on Sunday we’ve been loads better about keeping the kitchen clean as well as communicating our needs in regards to household chores. It’s so much easier to keep the kitchen under control when there’s not a mountain of dishes waiting to be washed or waiting to dry. I’ve actually felt able to contribute with the dishes because it doesn’t feel so daunting!
For dessert tonight Alex made some peanut butter chocolate chunk cookies (a Martha Stewart recipe) and they were awesome – a good thick cookie with a nice amount of chocolate and peanut flavour. Afterwards we went to Tesco and picked up some things, one of which was a journal for therapy! Actually, I bought two journals because one of them had a cute cover and a pen, but the actual journal was more of a planner, so I bought an A5 notebook to replace it with. Worked like a charm, and the notebook was only fifty pence! Speaking of therapy, I’m looking forward to my session tomorrow. I wonder if my therapist will ask about the past week and we’ll talk about the stuff that’s happened recently, or if she’ll ask about stuff from my childhood. I’m glad I got a journal for therapy so I can jot down how my sessions went and make notes of what we discussed and also write down stuff I want to bring up in future sessions. I hope it’s useful for me!