TODAY HAS BEEN SO GOOD TO ME!! I say that as if a day of the week has feelings, but hopefully you get what I mean. All right, so what has made this Friday so great? A couple of things! First of all, I actually woke up at 7am and stayed awake.
Lately I’ve gotten into the nasty habit of waking up with my alarms at 7am, going to the bathroom, and then sliding right back under the duvet until 9:30 or 10am. I haven’t slept super well the last week — last night the alarm in the offices next to our flat went off twice after 11pm — so in order to make up for it I’ve been allowing myself the pleasure of lying in when I know I shouldn’t.
Right, so I woke up on time, but I also got myself all dressed and ready for the day! This step often gets overlooked, especially if there’s nothing on my schedule for the day, but it’s such an important thing for me to do in order to feel like I’m not wasting my day.
Oh, another thing that made today great was the fact that I recorded, edited, and uploaded a new video — say what?! I know, I know! That’s two weeks in a row, folks! I’m not going to say that this is officially a “thing” but I gotta admit that I really love the finished product and would happily enjoy putting out more videos in this style. Fun fact, I actually used my iPhone to record the video and it was so much easier than getting out the tripod and setting up my DSLR! The only issue I ran into was during the editing process when the audio of the clip wasn’t synced up to the video, but I’m hoping it was a one time thing and not a recurring issue with large video files.
And lastly, my husband and I went to that cycling class I mentioned yesterday. Okay, I have to be honest: cycling classes might not be my jam. The bicycles seats areĀ so uncomfortable that my whole ass was numb by the 15 minute mark! Other than the bike being the literal worst, if the music was turned up louder I think I would have enjoyed it more. It was definitely a killer workout, but next time I want to sign up for a class I think I’ll try something like aerobics.
Anyway, that’s how I spent my day! Definitely check out my new video and see what all the fuss is about (honestly I’ve watched it maybe 5 or 6 times now) and I’ll see you tomorrow!