I guess yesterday was kind of jam-packed compared to how my days usually play out, but I’m still confused as to how I managed to sleep in until 11 this morning? Obviously I needed it because my abs feel like they’re on fire from the workout I did on Wednesday.
So it’s Friday and I’m feeling very good. Made it to the gym at my usual time, despite getting a late start to the day, and later we’re going for a meal with the in-laws before they leave for their ski trip. I had hoped I would get some writing done but honestly I just didn’t have much time or energy for it today so I think I’ll allow myself a pass for the day. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll sit down and go over some of the coursework I finished yesterday and see if it makes any sense before moving on to the next assignment.
So far I’m really enjoying learning about interior design but I’m still struggling to strike a balance between doing enough work in a day and doing way too much and burning myself out. As someone who constantly hops from one project to the next, I need to get better at delegating my time. There aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do, unless I plan it out and make room in my schedule to work on hobbies as well as bigger projects. This weekend I’ve got to spend a good chunk of time tidying the bed room because it is looking very cluttered and I have the feeling it might be low-key stressing me out.
It’s weird. I feel like my brain hasn’t had the chance to wake up as much as I’m used to when I normally write my journal entries so I’m drawing a lot of blanks about what I want to write about. Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for today. Cross your fingers that my abs stop being so painful tomorrow!