Does anyone else feel like it’s secretly Thursday? Maybe I’m just eagerly awaiting the bank holiday.
So today I finally remembered to sit down and assess my finances. It wasn’t stressful at all, actually. It was rather eye-opening and affirming of the upcoming things I need to budget for like my husband’s birthday in a couple of weeks. Once I had gotten caught up on my finances I went ahead and made a sort of event calendar for the rest of this month so I can get a better idea of where our money is going to go outside of bills and groceries each month.
Finding the time to sit down and plan ahead for little things like day trips or holidays is so important because up until today I didn’t even realize how much some of the things we’re planning on doing will end up costing. For instance, in July we’re spending the weekend in Southampton visiting some of my husband’s friends from university so we’ve got to budget for travel, food, drink, and as well as put away a little bit of extra money incase we get up to anything else. A couple of months ago when we got the invite I don’t think either of us really thought about the logistics because we were just so excited! It’s a good thing I thought to set up this event calendar so we can put a little extra into our savings beforehand.
I’m trying to be really good about sending people cards on their birthdays or for special occasions. As someone who deeply loves design, greeting cards are one of my favorite ways to share that with friends and family. I also love to receive cards, although I try not to keep them around for more than a month after I get them because then they just take up space. I would love to have a greeting card catalog that I could flick through at home and select the perfect card to send someone on their birthday/engagement/new house/new job/etc! It’s such a nice way to let someone know that you’re thinking of them.
In other news, I’ve been really craving a spiral notebook for my interior design course. I feel like it’ll be easier for me to scan my notes if they’re handwritten and highlighted in a notebook rather than saved onto my computer. After I went to the gym today I stopped in one of the shops on the high street and found a five subject notebook. One thing I am still not quite used to is A4 paper being used instead of 8 x 10 1/2, though. The notebook I bought is A4 and it even has four holes along the spine, which, to me, is totally bizarre! I’m used to three-ring binders so the thought of a four-ring binder sounds totally insane to me. I’m sure I’ll get used to it over time, but boy was it a culture shock for me!