Sucked into Work

Today was one of those days where I got sucked into work and now I’m feeling a bit lost trying to remember if I did anything at all. In actuality, I did a lot. I began the first module for my interior design course and it took up the majority of the day just to get through unit! A lot of the history elements of interior design were very interesting and I feel like I did learn quite a bit. It’s nice being able to back up some of my design instincts with terminology and interior design elements.

I began working on the assignment for the first module but it’s definitely going to take a lot more time and concentration to finish off all of the different sections. I’ve got quite a bit of writing to do for each section, but I also have to create a mood board for the Georgian era in order to demonstrate my ability to analyze elements that characterize interior design for that period. It’s no small task, let me tell you! It’s a lot of researching and saving images but it’s still fun so far. Hopefully I get it all right the first time and don’t have to resubmit the assignment.

Anyway, apart from working on my course I’ve also taken a few breaks throughout the day to catch up on all of the TV shows I’ve missed this week! Now that we’ve finally finished watching House of Cards we can resume our weekly TV schedule.

So in summary, it feels like I didn’t do much, and it seems like I don’t have much to say, and that’s because I’ve spent so much of my time and effort working on the interior design course. I was planning on doing a bit of writing but I think I’ll have to push that to tomorrow so my eyes can take a break.

day 72 sucked into work
