I went to the gym for the first time in maybe ten days! My back has been feeling much better the last few days, so I decided it was time to resume my workouts, even though my knee is still stiff. Normally I would walk at a fast pace on the treadmill for about a mile, but since I’m still really cautious about overexerting my knee while it’s not totally great, I opted for the rowing machine. I rowed for ten minutes at the lowest resistance, but I definitely worked up a sweat by the end of it! My main focus was breathing and keeping an eye on my form because the last thing I need right now is to pull another muscle in my body. After rowing, my husband and I did an ab routine and I didn’t realize how much I had missed feeling that burn in my gut until I finished and my entire stomach felt like it was on fire. Over all, it was a good way to welcome me back to the gym.
In other news, I know this seems super boring, but I read online that cats can often develop food allergies if they eat the same food all the time so I thought we should shake up Beatrice’s meal plan just a little bit to see what happens. When we were at the grocery store today we picked her up a few new wet foods to try throughout the week, not totally sure if she’d even go for them, but when my husband gave her one of them for dinner she couldn’t get enough of it! She wolfed down the food so quickly and then walked to the middle of the room and shouted her approval, loud and clear. We were watching a movie at the time and couldn’t believe her reaction! It was almost as if she was lamenting the fact that there wasn’t any left for her to eat. So, being the loving cat owners that we are, we took pity on our beloved Beatrice and gave her a smaller pack of wet food to tide her over. She happily ate her second dinner, coming back for more four separate times! I love seeing her so happy, sprawled out on the floor with her eyes half closed, her chest rising and falling to the tune of gentle purrs.