Chill Day

Today’s been pretty chill in all respects and I’m really happy that we got to spend the day totally veggin’ out on the sofa. Yesterday we watched the film Equals (it was so bad, please don’t bother watching it) and then last night we watched Invasion of the Body Snatchers, which excellent and totally made up for the atrocity that was Equals. Today I found out that my husband hadn’t seen Labyrinth so I made sure to correct that for him, and after that we watched A Birder’s Guide to Everything, which was also really good.

So, seeing as how today has been very chilled out, let’s see what I’ve got shakin’ for the next week. On Friday my sisters-in-law are coming over to pick through the clothes I’m getting rid of so I’m planning on making a big salad and having quite a few drinks to hand for the occasion. I hope they find stuff they like, though! I always feel so guilty getting rid of clothes that don’t fit me anymore because they’re always perfectly fine apart from the fact that I can’t wear them, haha. Either way, I think it’ll be a fun little evening and I’m looking forward to playing hostess for a few hours.

Next weekend there’s a cycling event through town and rather than make the same mistake we did last year, we’re embracing it head on. I think we’re planning on casually day drinking and eating tasty food while shouting and clapping along with the other people in town. Honestly it’ll be better than sitting at home and being grumpy about the roads being closed the entire day so I’m all for it. Hopefully the weather is really nice and we can go to the park and chill in the shade for a bit if the cycling gets too mind-numbingly dull.

Anyway, that’s pretty much all I have to say for today! I’ve been playing a lot of Sims 4 and there have been some serious changes to my sim’s life so I might have to do an update video in the near future but I’m not exactly sure how I would go about doing that right now so it’ll have to wait a bit. All right, I’m going to go get ready for bed. See you tomorrow!

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