If you can’t beat ’em, you might as well join ’em! Or at least plan a barbecue and see what all the fuss is about which is exactly how we decided to participate in the cycling event this Sunday. I’m not a fan of cycling so when I realized that the annual cycling race was coming up I was desperate to do anything to turn an otherwise annoying event into something I could get behind. Luckily for me, my husband and his parents were totally game to throw together a barbecue!
So with Pimm’s cup in hand we made our way down to the street and cheered along with the crowd as hordes of spandex-clad cyclists whizzed past in a blaze of sweaty glory. Even though the event lasted for pretty much the whole day there was a lot of waiting around for the professional cyclists to come through but I think everyone had a good time in the end. The weather was nice and the food was tasty, which is about all you can hope for when planning a barbecue, isn’t it? I think that as long as we are living in this flat we will likely plan a barbecue for the annual cycling race, and maybe one year I’ll actually be super duper enthusiastic about watching people ride bikes!
I’m looking forward to this week, mostly because I’m determined to get my assignments out of the way as soon as possible. On Tuesday we’ve booked an appointment for Dolores to get her last round of vaccinations and then I believe we’re looking after the in-law’s animals for a bit. This past week has been all right, but if I’m being totally honest I do hope that I get a little more time to focus on some of the stuff I need to do rather than worrying about impending social gatherings, hah! Anyway, I better wrap this entry up because there are a ton of photos of people on bikes that I’m sure will be absolutely riveting so I’ll leave you with that and see you tomorrow!