As I write this journal entry we are barreling down the M40 at a whopping 70 miles per hour on our way toward Manchester. Actually, change “barreling” to “creeping” consider that the traffic has been very stop-start all day. I’m actually having a pretty good time, despite the traffic. We had a very stressful evening after I finished yesterday’s journal entry. Basically we were just racing around the flat and trying to get everything done before heading to bed. We roasted two batches of chickpeas, I attempted to clean the litterboxes and then realized I bought the wrong type of cat litter, and we threw a bunch of clothes into a small suitcase. By the time we finished up for the evening I was sweating bullets. So, yeah, I’m very glad to be sitting in the passenger seat of a car with excellent air conditioning.
It’s nearly four in the afternoon right now and it’s looking like we’ll make it to Manchester around 7pm. A little while ago we stopped at a service station and got some lunch and a couple of coffees which I think has helped our moods improve. When I woke up this morning I didn’t feel too great — exhausted, sore limbs, congested nose — so coffee was imminent. It does look like I might come down with something soon, though, judging my the state of my throat. Hopefully I can put it off until next week although I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if I woke up tomorrow with a sore throat or swollen tonsils. I mean at this point it’s pretty much just expected that I’m going to be sick so I’m not that worried about it. It’s just a case of poor timing, really.
So since we’re staying at our friend’s flat over the weekend I’m not sure how lengthy my posts will be, but I’m going to try my best to post them on time. I’m hoping the photos will more than make up for it!