I Finished My Interior Design Course!

Yesterday I finished my interior design course and I totally forgot to share that in my journal entry! So, if you will recall, sometime last week I received a message from my new tutor asking me to resubmit one of the assignments for the last module of the course. I reviewed the feedback and saw that my tutor’s comments didn’t line up with the actual assignment I had completed, so I pushed back and insisted that I had fulfilled the requirements. The whole exchange was tense, honestly, especially since I had submitted the assignments almost two weeks prior and the tutor was saying I was missing information that was never included in the actual assignment.

Sure, I could have written a paragraph or two and resubmitted the lone assignment, but the things my tutor was asking me to include weren’t a part of the assignment! If they were and I had missed out on them, of course I would have resubmitted the assignment. So, I stood my ground and kept telling my tutor that I had fulfilled the assignment I had been given, and a few days later my feedback showed that I had passed the final interior design module.

The moral of the story? Stand your ground, especially if you’re in the right. I feel much better knowing that I passed my interior design course without compromising my values (i.e. I’m just glad I didn’t have to do more work than necessary!) and now I can breathe a sigh of relief. Now that I’m done with my course I can now officially begin practicing interior design, and luckily I have a few work experience gigs lined up over the next few months. It’s nice to know that I don’t have anymore coursework looming over me and that I can focus on projects that will actually come to fruition in the near future.

Anyway, just thought I would share some of my thoughts on finishing my course! Make sure to check out VEDO #13 below and I’ll see you tomorrow!

day 288 i finished my interior design course!
