Tonight we celebrated my sister-in-law’s birthday a few days early by rounding up the family and meeting in London for drinks and dinner. The plan was to get together before our dinner reservation at 6pm for drinks, so we killed that time sitting in Wahaca whilst sipping on tequila and munching on tortilla chips. The company was great and it was so nice to see everyone huddled around the various tables we found ourselves at over the course of the evening.
London always has a way of stressing me out, though. I wasn’t expecting to go into the center of London and I think that’s what really caught me off-guard. I’m less stressed now that I’m home although I’m almost certain I’m going to come down with the flu in the next week, haha. But seriously, I totally underestimated how stressful the evening would be in terms of coordinating timings and traveling to and from places. I’m definitely ready for some shut eye after all of that running around!
Anyway, that’s all I have for you today. I’m feeling very drained and need to hit the reset button, so that’s what I’m planning on doing after I finish this journal entry. Make sure to check out VEDO #15 below — I carved a pumpkin and answered some questions and personally I think it’s a great video. See you tomorrow!