So remember back in November when I went to Brighton and had an awful holiday? You might also recall that I bought not one, but TWO coats whilst shopping on that trip, and at the time I was over the moon and feeling very relieved to have ended my search for a new winter coat. Well, it turns out that neither of those coats were suited for an actual winter, so I’ve had a bit of buyer’s remorse ever since I realized my mistake.
Fast-forward to today when my husband and I decided to do a bit of shopping in Guildford before going to the movies to see Moana. We spent an awful lot of time in Primark buying shirts and jumpers, and then eventually we found ourselves wandering the racks of Debenhams and trying on every coat that caught my eye. After about a half hour, we came away empty-handed and decided to give Marks and Spencer another shot, and that’s where I found the ever-elusive winter coat that I’ve been hunting for all this time.
Now, I was originally just looking to replace my current belted green coat with a faux-fur hood, however I’ve come to realize that I was actually looking for a coat that looked a little bit smarter, too. The current trend for coats this season is sort of like a long blazer, and they’re definitely not belted. If you’ve got curves you’ll completely understand how difficult it is to find a coat that flatters your figure without making you look like you’re wearing a bathrobe or your grandfather’s suit jacket.
The coat I ended up going for is a navy blue, double-breasted wool coat that hits just above the knee. It’s got four pockets (my favorite part, honestly!) and it’s just structured enough to make it look very smart. I got the last one in my size, and because one of the buttons was loose I was able to get 10% off the price, too! Honestly, it’s so worth it to mention stuff like that to employees when you go to check out, especially if you would otherwise get the item. The one catch is that you usually won’t be able to return the item after purchase because it gets marked as damaged, so bear that in mind and think hard about whether or not that affects your choice to buy said item.
Anyway, so I got my new coat and I feel very happy about my decision. I think the only color coat I’m missing is a black one, but apart from that I think I’m covered for ever occasion!
Oh, and just a quick note about Moana: go see it! We were totally blown away by the story and the characters, and both of us ended up crying by the end of it. It’s a great film to see with the family, too. All right, that’s all I’m going to say about it so if you want to know why it’s so good, I hope you get a chance to see it soon! See you tomorrow!