When life gives you a mouldy wall… Treat it! Or something like that…
Our house is pretty old but in relatively good condition. All of the fixes we’ve made have been purely cosmetic so far, and that’s not only because I’m trying to avoid paying someone to work for us!! Seriously though, we’ve been really lucky.
That being said, there are a few things that we certainly do need to take care of that we just haven’t yet. One of those things happens to be handling the yearly damp we experience on all of the walls at the front of the house. It’s really only noticeable at this time of the year when the weather is extremely cold and extremely wet. I reckon the issue is going to come down to resealing the paint and brickwork on the exterior, but since we lack a tall enough ladder we just haven’t explored that option. But I digress, we still experience mouldy walls every year and it’s a pain in the ass having to deal with it!
I pretty much woke up this morning and said “Yes, today I am going to begin on the mouldy bits” and then off I went, tearing away curtains and pulling dressers and nightstands away to assess the situation. With a bottle of bleach in hand I broke down the wall into sections so I could spray and scrub and wipe without getting too messy. The bleach worked a treat but the wiping definitely made everything look way more dirty.
What I had originally thought would be a simple afternoon cleaning appeared to be looking more like a weekend project as I instructed Alex to pick up some damp seal paint from the store. But honestly that’s to be expected with most DIYs in our house! And besides, it’ll be good to paint over the wall with special paint that’ll block any stains and prevent future damp from creeping through. It’s a temporary fix, but hopefully it’ll save our sanity a bit longer until we finally cave and have a professional come in re-plaster the walls! I’m crossing my fingers we don’t have to do that step at all, but in my heart I know it probably needs to happen anyway.
For now only one section of the wall is painted with the damp seal paint so we’ve got the rest to paint before we can go over with a second coat of a colour we want, then we’re back to normal. Not entirely sure if we’ll actually choose a colour for the wall or if we’ll just leave it white! The rest of the bedroom is already so colourful, I don’t even know what colour we’d go for. Maybe pink? I guess we’ll wait and see.