For over a year now we’ve been using a service called Oddbox: a weekly or fortnightly delivery of fruits and vegetables deemed too “odd” for supermarkets. My sister-in-law got me into them when the pandemic kicked off and it’s been a staple in our pantry ever since! At first we started out with a large fruit and veg box, which we quickly realised was far too much for us to get through in a whole week. After a little while we worked a schedule that better suited our needs and we ended up going for a medium fruit and veg box every other week.
Since my partner and I are both vegetarians it can be really easy for us to stick to what we’re comfortable with: potatoes, carrots, broccoli, sweet corn. The thing that’s been such a game changer for us has been the variety of different produce we get in our oddbox. We’ve been making tons of kohlrabi coleslaws, stir-frying choi sum, and finding new recipes to incorporate a bunch of the stuff we’re not familiar with.
I thought that since our oddbox was delivered this evening I would give a little write up expressing my appreciation for the service! It sounds so corny, but I really do love it. This week we got our usual batch of apples and potatoes, but we also got leeks, daikon, nectarines, spinach, purple carrots, and melon. I’m not sure what we’ll do with the leeks just yet but I’m hoping it’ll be something other than leek and potato stew.