It’s Mother’s Day here in the UK so we drove over to Alex’s parent’s house to have an early dinner with the family. It been so long since we’ve been able to get together to celebrate on the day, so it was lovely getting to spend some time catching up with everyone over a really tasty meal.
Once we got home we spent a good chunk of time laying out our Vegas outfits. Honestly we’ve got such a huge laundry pile at the moment so it was good to be able to make a “need-to-be-washed” pile that we can prioritise this week. This trip in particular feels so different to how I would normally pack. When we traveled to Italy for a week in 2018 I only brought one purse, but for Vegas I’m bringing three different ones! One for the concert, one for casual use, and one for our night out on the town. The good thing is that we’re going to look very well dressed the whole time, so at least there’s that!
Tonight I think we’re going to make some popcorn and watch The Hangover to help us prepare for Vegas. See you tomorrow!