There’s only one week left until I go to VEGAS!!! AHHH! I wanted to give a little disclaimer for my journal entries from April 7th to the 12th ahead of time so it doesn’t seem like I’m not posting every day. Obviously the plan is to enjoy my trip, first and foremost. The second thing I want to ensure is that I post every day. I’m fully intending on taking photos each day, but I expect some of the posts may be quite a bit shorter while I’m away. What will likely happen is that I’ll post daily while I’m there, and then do a round-up with more photos once I get back.
Anyway, today I had my last few interviews and for the social media manager role I’m looking to fill. Initially I thought I had one particular candidate in mind but now I’ve totally changed my mind. Definitely going to take the weekend to think it over, but I think I’m really happy with my choice!
Also, the weather today was all over the place. When Alex’s mum was over for a bit the weather cycled between freezing temperatures, patches of sunshine, and a bit of hail and snow! I’m really hoping this cold snap doesn’t last too long because I’m already missing the warmer temperatures. Saying that, I know I’ll get my warm wishes when we go to Vegas next week.