I woke up earlier than I wanted to this morning but I spent an hour or so petting Margot so it wasn’t all bad. After that I got some more sleep and eventually got up and went downstairs to begin my to do list for the day. So far this week it looks like I’ve clocked about 26 hours which is way more than I expected! I asked my friends how many hours a week they work and everyone said 40+ and I don’t know how they do it. The one full-time job I had really did a number on my mental health and I ended up quitting after a few months. I wonder if I’ll ever get back up to full-time again and whether or not I’ll be able to cope in a healthy manner.
Dance class tonight was brutal for me. The routine was super fun and there’s a section where we do some floor work which was super exhausting. By the end of class I had a headache and had to sit down for a bit because I was so out of breath. Hoping that next week I can pull through and nail the whole routine!
In other news, one of my roses in the front garden finally bloomed!! It’s a really fragrant one and I’m so happy it’s finally blossomed again because it smells lovely. Speaking of flowers, I have a hanging hoya plant at the bottom of the stairs that’s finally blooming, too. The little star-shaped flowers are so sweet!
Anyway, I’m going to end this journal entry here so I can enjoy the start of the weekend. See you tomorrow!