Author’s note: This journal entry was written on November 27th, 2022 however the photos are from the day itself.
I tried to go to the bank today but they didn’t have any appointment slots left so I’ll have to try again during the week. Hopefully I can just book an appointment but I’m annoyed at how difficult it is to tick this off of my to do list.
Since we were in town anyway, we decided to do some window shopping. I think out of all of the shops we mooched around in Oliver Bonas was my fave. So many great home decor pieces!! I took pictures of most of the things that caught my eye because I didn’t want to spend the money on them. Most of the time I go to Oliver Bonas I don’t actually end up buying anything because they’re pretty expensive, however I did come away with a very cute pink and green soap dish for the bathroom (and it cost £9.50 don’t judge me).
After we got done at the shops we finally drove back home so Alex could bake a pumpkin pie for our belated Thanksgiving dinner with his family. I used the few hours we had at home to try and decompress but I don’t think I was really able to. We went to dinner and it was okay but I was feeling pretty exhausted from shopping and having to socialise. It’s hard to be around family and feel like I have to put on a carefree persona. I think I would have preferred to have an even more casual Thanksgiving than the one we had. I went to the bathroom between dinner and dessert and remembered thinking that my momentary stress will be worth it because that pumpkin pie is gonna be so good, but when I got out I discovered that the pumpkin pie was undercooked in the middle and I just kind of fell apart and said I wanted to go home. I ended up crying and apologising for ruining Thanksgiving for everyone and they were very kind, comforting, and understanding. Even that response was difficult for me to accept but I definitely needed to hear it. We drove back home and Alex tried to cook the pie longer so it would set up but it didn’t.
Long story short is that I want to get to a point where I don’t let a pie ruin my whole day. Really hoping to work on that in therapy.