The sun woke me up a lot earlier than I had anticipated so I actually got a lot of stuff done today around the house. I’m nearly done with the assignments for this module of my course but I’ve still got to write an explanation for one of the presentation boards I made. Once I’ve got that typed out I’ll submit everything for assessment tomorrow and then have the whole weekend free to do whatever I want!
If we’re going to paint the living room/kitchen/dining area in June then we’ve got to buy some paint testers ASAP. Right now I’ve got my eye on cream colored walls with a light peach/apricot accent wall in the living room to warm things up. The flat gets a nice amount of daylight in the bedroom in the morning and then a ton of sun in the afternoon and evening so I want to play up the cosiness with an accent wall. I would love to go for something more pink toned, although I feel like I’d rather play if safer and lean towards neutrals. In all honesty, anything will look better than these ashy green walls we have right now!
I’m looking forward to having walls that aren’t green but I’m not super excited about actually painting them. We’ve got such a small space and we’ve got loads of stuff to take off of the walls so it’s going to be quite a task. I can’t remember if we decided we were going to do it all over one weekend or work our way around the room over the span of a month? Whichever way we end up doing it will be fine, I’m sure. And at the end of it I’ll be so happy to have fresh paint on the walls!
So, along with a food shop, buying paint testers is my main goal for this weekend.