Well, folks, it’s been quite an eventful weekend in London but I must admit that I am quite glad to be home again. I think two nights away has been just enough to keep me going until the next holiday. It’s not very often that we get to escape to the city and blow tons of dough on expensive meals and shopping sprees, and that’s probably a good thing for our finances, too. All in all, it was a wonderful way to celebrate our first anniversary as a married couple.
Now that I’m back home my to do list is filling up with bits and bobs I managed to put off until next week. I’ve been noticing lately that my hair isn’t feeling as light and fun as it could be so a haircut is probably going to happen in the next few days. Other things I need to take care of involve starting my next interior design module, replying to some business emails, tons of laundry, and a bunch of other tedious tasks around the house.
I believe I’ve mentioned before how I would love to get another cat — preferably a white female kitten — to keep Beatrice company. I’m keeping my eyes peeled across all of the animal shelters and on Gumtree for kittens just incase any pop up. Ideally we would get a kitten at the end of June once we’ve finished painting the walls. Any sooner and I think we would have an issue with making slow introductions, but kittens do get reserved and adopted so fast that it’s very difficult to schedule a month in advance!
I’m looking forward to an early night tonight in order to partially make up for the fact that I woke up at 7am throughout the entire weekend. I’m also excited to go back to the gym because my body just feels so wrecked from the amount of bread and cake I ate while we were away! Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for today. See you tomorrow!