Oh, I don’t know if I mentioned this earlier in the week, but I finally got my assessment back for my last module and I passed! I didn’t bother looking at the assessment just incase the markings were less than favorable but today I managed to start on the next module of the course. Luckily I’m all done with soft furnishings and I’m on to sourcing furniture, something I do for myself on a regular basis. I started and finished the course content before lunchtime so I think I can finish off the assignments by the end of next week!
In other news, I did my first twitch stream this afternoon. My little macbook air isn’t totally equipped to handle a lot of stuff happening at once (it can barely run Sims 4 on the highest settings!) so I had a lot of issues with lag. I eventually got it down to a manageable amount of lag, as in two minutes rather than twenty. It was really fun and I think I’m going to stream again on Saturday around 3pm BST if you wanna come hangout and play The Sims 4 with me. Speaking of gaming, I also bought a PS4 and a headset this evening, seeing as it’s the end of the month and payday is tomorrow. It’s been a looooong time coming but after almost a whole year of talking about getting one, I’m proud to say that we were finally able to purchase our very own gaming console. I’m excited to be able to play Alien: Isolation, especially on nightmare mode! I definitely think I’ll be doing a twitch livestream of that once we get the PS4 sometime next week, so be on the lookout if you’re interested in watching.
Anyway, that’s pretty much all I got up to today aside from a little bit of laundry and scheduling a haircut for Saturday. Tomorrow I’ve got to go to the shops a few times and pick up food and drink for the little get-together I’m hosting with the sisters-in-law. I’ve also got to make sure the flat is fairly clean and tidy otherwise I doubt I’ll be able to enjoy myself. So, with that I’m going to wrap this up and get ready for bed. See you tomorrow!