Do you ever just feel like crap for no real reason? Like your skin gets hot and then you begin to wonder if you’ve had enough to eat before deciding to chug a ton of cold water and take a nap for a few hours. Well, despite being so moody I was able to be very productive this morning. I finished off the first assignment for my module and I filled out some documents for my student loans before it was even noon. I do find that when I wake up early enough and am feeling okay I can get a good amount of work done.
With that being said, I couldn’t get myself to do much else after we took Dolores to the vet because I felt like I was getting ill. I hate feeling so moody and not being able to work out why. Usually it’s related to hormones but this time it felt like I was overheating consistently and not getting enough to eat. It’s a bit of a mystery to me, unfortunately.
Tonight we went to the movies and we saw Ghostbusters, though! It’s been so long since we’ve gone to the movies to see something we’re interested in and we finally made the executive decision to renew our Odeon Limitless membership. Now we can go see movies as many times as we want for free! We had it last year and it was such a good decision. We were able to see so many films that we wouldn’t have otherwise seen so I’m very happy we have it back. Our movie tickets tonight would have cost us £22.50, and as long as we see at least two films a month we’ll be getting our money’s worth out of the membership. Shouldn’t be too hard considering I’m a huge film junkie!
Anyway, Ghostbusters was a ton of fun. I don’t remember much from the original film but I must say that the reboot felt so refreshing. There weren’t many people in the theatre with us but everyone was howling with laughter. Definitely a popcorn movie, but with badass women in leading roles. Totally awesome. Anyway, it’s late now so I ought to try and get ready for bed in a bit. I hope I feel a little less moody tomorrow. See ya!