After a busy day out on the town yesterday, it’s only fitting that I restore the balance to my weekend by watching Netflix all day long! Right now we’re binge-watching The OA, a new Netflix original series that incredibly enthralling so far. I’ll let you know what I think of it once we reach the end, but the first five episodes were really good!
Earlier today we busted out the PlayStation 4 (and by “busted out” I just mean we brought it out of the media unit to rest on the floor) and played Overcooked. This multi-player game is really just an exercise in communicating effectively and succinctly with other players, and it is definitely not something you want to play if you have very little patience. As much as it’s really fun, it’s super challenging and frustrating. After we re-played a few levels we ended up having to turn off the PS4 because we were getting so fed up with it!
It’s been a nice Sunday, even though we pretty much just sat in front of the TV playing games and watching Netflix. Oh, that reminds me that I need to actually do some laundry tonight before we go to bed! I’m planning on doing a light workout at the gym tomorrow since we’re going to AirHop on Tuesday for our five year dating anniversary. I wonder if I’ll be as sore as I was when we went back in April or if my progress at the gym will help me recover quicker? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see on Wednesday! Either way, it’s going to be so much fun, and I’m also looking forward to dinner at Wagamama and then catching a screening of Rogue One afterward. Trampolining, dinner, and a movie seems like a great way to celebrate an anniversary to me!