I think we’re finally making progress with mould making at the studio! Unlike last weekend when I made my first attempt at pouring a silicone mould, this time I made sure to write down and calculate the correct amount of catalyst I needed to add to the silicone. In total I was able to pour three moulds, two of them for small vessels and the third one being for my large glass vessels.
Unfortunately, I still wasn’t able to get the wax out of the other large vessels I’ve been trying to work with. I’ve tried leaving them in the freezer, spraying WD-40 around the edges, and carving around the edges of the wax to get it to pop out but nothing seems to work. I’ve brought one of them home with me and I’m thinking of lining the vessel with tinfoil and building it that way, but it may just not have very straight sides.
Nonetheless, I’m excited to go back to the studio in a few days to de-mould these babies and see how they look. Fingers crossed they aren’t awful, although I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re imperfect.
While I was at the studio, Alex got on with the upright shelf brackets for under the stairs. He did such a great job at making sure they’re level and in the right spots! I’m super happy with how they look and now all we need is for Wickes to give us our bloody shelf boards so we can cut them to size!! They’ve said they’ll be ready tomorrow morning so I guess we’ll see.
Already the shelves have made such an improvement on the space. I would say that I’ve put maybe eighty percent of everything back under the stairs and there’s still so much more space than there used to be. We did have a little casualty, though. Our tool trolley (which is actually a kitchen trolley that I deemed fit for tool storage) lost a couple of wheels where they were welded onto the metal legs. For now we’re just using the trolley as a makeshift shelf, but we may replace it with another one in the future or we’ll get more shelves instead.