The drive to the studio was so lovely! The perfect amount of sunshine to ride with the windows cracked and the air off inside the car. Our car has a sunroof which is personally one of my favourite things to have in a car, especially in the UK because even on a chilly day you can still see the sky overhead.
It was nice to get back in the studio to make candles again. I feel like my candlemaking has been very stop-and-start recently so each time I return it feels like it’s been a while since my last visit. As for the scents I poured today, I poured a brand new scent as well as one I haven’t seen in a while. Whilst pouring the candles and listening to my playlist I just got in such a good mood and I couldn’t resist doing some dancing in the studio, haha. My body is already so sore from dance class yesterday but even that wasn’t enough to stop me pulling shapes.
In a little while I’ve got a video call with my BTS group chat for the group’s anniversary! Actually, I’m a little bit of an imposter because I joined the group chat a few months after everyone else. Luckily nobody seems to mind and I’m just happy to be there!
Today has felt a little more busy than I thought it would. Alex has been tidying the house while I spent the day at the studio, and right now he’s on a call with my brother talking about coding. I swear I blinked and the day is nearly over!! And tomorrow our friend Simon is coming over, too, so I expect tomorrow will also go by super quickly. Isn’t that funny how the weekends tend to end just as they begin while the weekdays tend to drag on and on?