It’s been such a long day! I didn’t sleep very well last night – my brain and body did the usual double whammy on me and I only around six hours of sleep. It’s not surprising considering the fact that this always happens when I’m anxious before a social event.
So I spent the day over at the studio with my social media manager! I picked her up from the train station and then gave her a (very short) tour of the studio, and then we spent about an hour having a meeting going over content, collaborations, and loads of other things like that. It went really well and felt very similar to when I’ve met internet friends in real life because we got on instantly and it was super easy to talk with each other.
After our meeting, I drove us in to town so I could take her to lunch. It feels pretty special to be able to treat someone to lunch as a boss! My first post-graduate job in New Orleans really shaped a lot of my approach toward being a boss/leader, and I still remember when my boss took me out to lunch for the first time. Anyway, it feels like the least I could do for my social media manager since she traveled down from London to come to the studio! Especially with all of the rail strikes delaying trains at the moment.
Once we got back to the studio after lunch we spent the rest of our time filming reels. It’s actually really fun making content like that when you have someone helping guide you and give you tips. Plus it was also a good team building exercise for the both of us, haha. By the time we finished shooting the second IG reel it was time to pack up and head to the train station, and then for me to head home.
It’s funny how in situations like today I can be very extroverted: talkative, bubbly, genuinely having a great time. But it does kind of come at a cost because on the drive home the adrenaline and caffeine had begun to wear off and I could feel myself coming down. I also noticed that I didn’t pick my scalp (eugh, can’t believe I’m sharing this but whatever, it’s my journal after all!) the whole work day… Until the drive home when I was stuck in traffic and began to zone out. It’s definitely a coping mechanism and I’m not proud of it.
When I got home I felt exhausted and spent a few minutes relaxing on the hammock before loading up The Sims 4 and diving back in to my video game mindset. And now it’s nearly time to go to bed and I can’t wait to wash my face and maybe put a TV show on the bedroom projector and then eventually drift off.