Author’s note: This journal entry was written on October 11, 2022 however the photos are from the day itself.
I don’t know how but I’ve managed to bruise or sprain my pointer finger and my thumb on my right hand. I noticed it was a little painful a few days ago but I assumed it would go away in a day or so but it’s still here and I think it’s gotten a little worse? It’s difficult to say. I really only notice the pain when I clench my fist or bend my pointer finger. I’m going to try icing and compressing and resting my hand as much as possible but it’s so difficult because that’s my dominant hand.
Anyway, Alex has called a few plumbers and arranged for them to come by tomorrow to give a quote for hanging the radiator. We sent pictures to one of them and he came back with a quote for £189 and I’m curious to see if that’s a good quote or not once we hear from the other plumbers tomorrow. I’m really hoping we can get a quote for less than £189!