Bouncing on trampolines is probably the best way to spend an hour with friends. We only just got back from the trampoline park and I am so exhausted that I can barely focus on much else apart from breathing, haha! I had a trampoline in my backyard when I was a kid but it’s probably been ten or so years since I’ve been on one, and boy was I unprepared. Even though I’ve been going to the gym three times a week for the last four months, I was completely out of breath after the first ten minutes of bouncing around on the trampolines.
I would recommend going to a trampoline park to anyone who enjoys feeling like they may collapse and have a heart attack while simultaneously feeling complete bliss. Not to mention it’s a fabulous cardio workout!
Okay, so I’m writing this while everyone’s making drinks and pizza so I’m going to go chill out and socialize. I’m literally still trying to catch my breath, haha. I love a good bounce sesh!