Netflix’s latest original series Stranger Things made its debut yesterday, so naturally my husband and I stayed up until 5AM to binge-watch all of it. The Duffer Brothers have done an outstanding job with Stranger Things, mixing all of the best parts from works like The Goonies, IT, and even borrowing a bit from E.T. to create a fantastic story and even better characters. My husband isn’t normally one to watch scary stuff, but he was hooked from the very first episode. Stranger Things is a perfect example of a group of young kids going above and beyond in the name of friendship. The first season of this series is set in 1983 and I highly recommend firing up the first episode on Netflix and checking it out for yourself. If you love 80s horror films you’ll definitely want to check out Stranger Things. I laughed, I cried, and I even got spooked. I can’t wait to see what the Duffer brothers get up to for season two but I have a hunch that it will be exceptionally crafted and executed to a tee.
Since we stayed up until five in the morning our Saturday didn’t go as planned. We had originally intended on hunting Pokémon around town but the servers were down for most of the day so we just stayed inside and watched Mr. Robot instead. I also attempted to do a bit more work on my technical drawing assignment after buying some colored pencils although that will have to wait until tomorrow. That whole assignment is really getting on my nerves and I think I will actually need to request an extension in order to get the job done properly. I reckon tomorrow will be a little bit better in terms of productivity although who can really be sure when you’re working on a project that doesn’t exactly inspire you? Anyway, that’s all I have to say for today. Seriously, go watch Stranger Things. Winona Ryder is in it and she is so good! The rest of the cast is equally as amazing, and if you’ve run out of stuff to watch during the week I highly recommend delving into the world that is Stranger Things.